Associating Business Identifiers to a Business Process Model |
Before you begin this task:
Create and design a business process model and Business Identifiers.
It is possible to associate business identifiers that are available across the current workspace. Through the option of run-time references, it is also possible to reuse business identifiers that are deployed as part of other applications.
A single business process model can have multiple business identifiers associated. Of the associated identifiers, only four identifiers will be shown as separate columns in Process Instance Manager. It is possible for users to select this sub-set of identifiers. It is recommended to select those identifiers that are most frequently needed for direct viewing of the values when instances are displayed.
- In Workspace Documents (Explorer)> <Project>, click
(<Business Process Model>) to open the required business process model. The business process model appears in the business process modeler.
- Right-click in the business process modeler and select Properties. Alternatively, double-click in the business process modeler or press the keyboard short cut F8 to view the properties. The Properties - Business Process Model - <Description> pane appears.
- Click the Business Identifiers tab to add business identifiers for the business process model. All the available business identifiers in the workspace can be associated to the business process model. You can also create new business identifiers by clicking New on the toolbar and associate them to the process or associate the existing business identifiers as per your need.
- All the associated business identifiers will be shown in the message map, just like how process specific messages are shown. Values can be assigned to business identifiers. It should be noted that business identifiers cannot be used as source elements in the message map.
You have successfully associated the business identifier to a business process model and used the message map to assign the values. For each instance that is created from this model, instances of the business identifiers too will be created to enable the filtering of instances in the Process Instance Manager.
After you complete this task:
You can search for instances in Process Instance Manager using Business Identifiers.